Saturday, July 29, 2006

Murder days Jyoti babus Kolkata Open Murders!

Kolkata: A huge crowd had gathered in front of the single storey dilapidated building situated at Phears lane in kolkata under Bowbazar police station jurisdiction,four boys aged 15 to 18 years were being tortured on the first floor. The head of those criminals moving occaisonly could be seen from the street. The time was around 2 pm .The crowd of onlookers kept swelling. The parents of the children were running from pillar to post to stop the slaughter . The news had spread far and wide.The place is overly crowded and street clogged by traffic consisting of rickshaws pedestrians two-wheelers huge trucks parked in front of transport companies and people living by cheeks and jowls. The shrieks of the victims were rising to a crescendo. I was trembling with fear and anger at the state of affairs. I remained there for 10-15 minutes .The sight and sound lingered for years to come fuelling the earlier ones several nights I could not sleep.
The next morning the four bodies were recovered from different places . One stuffed in gunny bag with a wicket stuffed in anus near the institute of health and hygiene at Chitranjan avenue the other At the gate of Islamia Hospital and the rest of the two near Alipore.The other day the Statesman the Telegraph and all the dailies carried the news. The don umar as before was moving freely to the awe of everybody predictably the other 5s khursheed aftab nadeem and rafique surrendered before the police soon they were out of bail and later acquitted a week they shot Sandow Hanif a school teacher who had his school behind Islamia hospital and who could not suppress the call of his conscience and had stood witness the boys were his neighbours and grew before him , was shot dead in broad day light in full view of the public and locals. They again surrendered bailed out and acquitted. This is Kyoto Babus Kolkata. Why were the boys murdered?
One Marwari Seth wanted the land where the family of the boys lived for generations.So they hired the goons to grab the land.The boys had challenged the goons in all innocence that they would not yield to the threats. They were not illegal occupants it was their own house. This is Jyoti Babus Kolkata.


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